Paste the copied row into your design in a new layer. In one of the photos you just downloaded, use this tool to select a row of pixels by just clicking once on the canvas, and then copy (Edit > Copy or Ctrl + C) that row. To do this, we’ll use the Single Row Marquee Tool (located underneath the Rectangular Marquee Tool).

We need to copy a single row of pixels from one of our images. This will be used to help add depth to our design later on. Using a large (800px), soft (0% hardness), black brush with the Brush Tool, create a large black circle towards the center of your canvas. The actual contents in the picture do not matter, we’re just interested in the color! Now, to choose 3 different photos that are filled with vibrant colors. Fill the background layer with a nice blue (#152935) We will start by creating a new document with a size of 1280 x 800. By taking this technique a step further, we can create wonderful, vibrant 3D effects right in Photoshop! Stretching a single line of pixels is an easy way to create special digital effects in graphic design. In this tutorial, we are going to stretch a single layer of pixels into 3D designs and outcome will look something like this: By taking this technique a step further, we can create wonderful, vibrant 3D effects in Photoshop! Transforming pixels into a 3D design seems quite unreal, don’t you think? Well, with Photoshop, you’d better think again.